
Scope of this Auditing Standard


This Auditing Standard sets out how AUASB Standards are to be understood, interpreted and applied.


AUASB Standards are to be read and applied in conjunction with this Auditing Standard. (Ref: Para. A1-A2)

Standards issued by the AUASB

(Ref: Para. A3-A25)


The AUASB derives its functions and powers under section 227B of the Australian Securities and Investments Commission Act 2001. The AUASB:

  1. makes Auditing Standards under section 336 of the Corporations Act for the purposes of the corporations legislation;[2] and 
  2. formulates auditing and assurance standards for other purposes.[3]


Pursuant to section 227B(1)(a) of the ASIC Act.


Pursuant to section 227B(1)(b) of the ASIC Act.


‘Auditing and assurance standards for other purposes’ consists of standards that are designed for subject-specific areas. They include, for example, assurance engagements that relate to:

  • reviews (other than a review by the independent auditor of the entity, of interim financial information, including interim financial reports, prepared for other purposes);
  • evaluating the efficiency and/or effectiveness of an entity’s activities;
  • information other than historical financial information;
  • prospective financial information; and
  • the effectiveness of internal controls.


The AUASB issues the following types of standards (AUASB Standards) pursuant to its mandate under section 227B of the ASIC Act:

  1. Australian Standards on Quality Management (ASQMs);[4]
  2. Australian Auditing Standards (ASAs);[5]
  3. Standards on Review Engagements (ASREs);[6]
  4. Standards on Assurance Engagements (ASAEs); and
  5. Standards on Related Services (ASRSs).


For legislative purposes, ASQM 1 and ASQM 2 Engagement Quality Reviews are included in legislation as “Auditing Standards” – see paragraph 10(d) of this Preamble.


“Australian Auditing Standards” is defined in paragraph 10(c) of this Preamble.


For legislative purposes, ASRE 2410 Review of a Financial Report Performed by the Independent Auditor of the Entity and ASRE 2415 Review of a Financial Report: Company Limited by Guarantee or an Entity Reporting under the ACNC Act or Other Applicable Legislation or Regulation, are included in legislation as “Auditing Standards” – see paragraph 10(d) of this Preamble.


AUASB Standards do not address all the responsibilities of the assurance practitioner[7] that may exist in legislation, regulation or otherwise in connection with engagements that fall within the scope of AUASB Standards.


The term “assurance practitioner” is defined in paragraph 10(a) of this Preamble.