31386 definitions found.
ASA 540
In applying ASA 260, the auditor communicates with those charged with governance the auditor’s views about significant qualitative aspects of the entity’s accounting practices relating to accounting estimates and related disclosures. [63] Appendix 2 …
ASA 540
ASA 265 requires the auditor to communicate in writing to those charged with governance significant deficiencies in internal control identified during the audit. [64] Such significant deficiencies may include those related to controls over: The selection …
ASA 540
In addition to communicating with those charged with governance, the auditor may be permitted or required to communicate directly with regulators or prudential supervisors. Such communication may be useful throughout the audit or at particular stages, …
ASA 540
ASA 315 [65] and ASA 330 [66] provide requirements and guidance on documenting the auditor’s understanding of the entity, risk assessments and responses to assessed risks. This guidance is based on the requirements and guidance in ASA 230. [67] In the …
ASA 540
In documenting the linkage of the auditor’s further audit procedures with the assessed risks of material misstatement at the assertion level, in accordance with ASA 330, this Auditing Standard requires that the auditor take into account the reasons given …
ASA 540
The auditor also may consider documenting: When management’s application of the method involves complex modelling, whether management’s judgements have been applied consistently and, when applicable, that the design of the model meets the measurement …
Appendices 1 through 6 set out further considerations relating to obtaining an understanding of the entity and its environment, the applicable financial reporting framework and the entity’s system of internal control. Obtaining the Required …
ASA 540
Paragraph A7 of ASA 230 notes that, although there may be no single way in which the auditor’s exercise of professional scepticism is documented, the audit documentation may nevertheless provide evidence of the auditor’s exercise of professional …
ASA 540
See ASA 230 Audit Documentation , paragraphs 8–11 , A6 , A7 and A10 . …