31386 definitions found.
Significance can be described as the relative importance of a matter, and is judged by the auditor in the context in which the matter is being considered. For inherent risk, significance may be considered in the context of how, and the degree to which, …
ASA 610
[Deleted by the AUASB. Refer Aus 1.1 and Aus 1.2 ] …
ASA 610
Aus 1.1
This Auditing Standard deals with the external auditor’s responsibilities if using the work of internal auditors. This includes using the work of the internal audit function in obtaining audit …
ASA 610
Aus 1.2
The use of internal auditors to provide direct assistance is prohibited in an audit or review conducted in accordance with the Australian Auditing Standards. [*] For a group audit, this prohibition extends to the use of internal auditors to provide …
ASA 610
This Auditing Standard does not apply if the entity does not have an internal audit function. (Ref: Para. A2) …
ASA 540
Matters that the auditor may consider in obtaining an understanding of how management identified and addresses the susceptibility to misstatement due to management bias or fraud in making accounting estimates, include whether and, if so, how management: …
ASA 540
The entity’s information system relating to accounting estimates (Ref: Para. 13(h)(i) ) …
Other relevant sources of information include: The auditor’s procedures regarding acceptance or continuance of the client relationship or the audit engagement in accordance with ASA 220, including the conclusions reached thereon . [25] Other engagements …