31386 definitions found.
ASAE 3420
An assurance engagement in accordance with this ASAE is conducted on the premise that the responsible party has acknowledged and understands that it has the responsibilities set out in paragraph 13(g) . An assurance engagement to report on whether pro …
ASAE 3420
Aus A11.1(c)
The assurance practitioner’s role does not include expressing a conclusion on the pro forma financial information itself, or for updating or re-issuing any previously issued audit reports or review conclusions related to the unadjusted financial …
ASAE 3420
If applicable law or regulation prescribes in sufficient detail the terms of the engagement, the assurance practitioner needs only record the fact that such law or regulation applies and that the responsible party acknowledges and understands its …
ASAE 3420
Aus A12.1
Examples of when requests from the responsible party to change the terms of the engagement may be received include where there has been a change in circumstances affecting the need for the service or a misunderstanding of the nature of the assurance …
ASAE 3420
Limited and Reasonable Assurance Engagements (Ref: Para. Aus 13.8 ) …
ASAE 3420
Aus A12.2
Because the level of assurance obtained in a limited assurance engagement is lower than in a reasonable assurance engagement, the procedures the assurance practitioner will perform in a limited assurance engagement will vary in nature from, and are less …
For purposes of specifying additional considerations to audits of smaller entities, a “smaller entity” refers to an entity which typically possesses qualitative characteristics such as: (a) Concentration of ownership and management in a small …
ASAE 3420
Assessing the Suitability of the Applicable Criteria Directly Attributable Adjustments (Ref: Para. 14(b)(i) , 22(a) ) …
ASAE 3420
It is necessary that the pro forma adjustments be directly attributable to the event(s) or transaction(s) to avoid the pro forma financial information reflecting matters that do not arise solely as a result of the event or that are not an integral part of …