529 definitions found.
GS 010
When responding to questions on the communication of KAMs including how they were determined, the auditor’s response may be based on the requirements of ASA 701 as follows: KAMs are to enhance the communicative value of the auditor’s report by providing …
GS 010
In responding to questions about specific conclusions on KAMs, [25] the auditor may explain that the auditor’s responsibility is to opine on the financial report as a whole and there is no separate opinion provided on KAMs. There is guidance in ASA 701 …
GS 010
When responding to questions about procedures performed or the outcome of the audit procedures with respect to KAMs, the auditor may refer to the description in the auditor’s report. The auditor may also explain that when determining the procedures to …
GS 010
The other information paragraph in the auditor’s report communicates the auditor’s responsibility in relation to the other information. Auditors may consider if there is anything communicated in this paragraph which may be of interest to members, …
GS 010
In addition the auditor may receive questions in relation to: What does and what does not constitute other information; What is the auditor’s responsibility in relation to other information; and What procedures the auditor has performed on the other …
GS 010
When responding to questions on the other information the auditor’s response may be based on ASA 720 as follows: Management is responsible for the other information; The auditor’s opinion does not cover the other information and, accordingly, the auditor …
GS 010
If the auditor’s report includes other sections in accordance with the Australian Auditing Standards the auditor may receive questions in relation to these as follows: Material Uncertainty Related to Going Concern - The auditor may refer to the note in …
GS 010
In some cases, the auditor may have additional responsibilities to report on additional matters that are supplementary to the auditor’s responsibility to express an opinion on the financial …
GS 010
As detailed in ASA 700 if the auditor addresses other reporting responsibilities in the auditor’s report that are in addition to the auditor’s responsibilities under the Australian Auditing Standards, these other reporting responsibilities are included in …
GS 010
The auditor exercises professional judgement in responding to questions relating to these additional matters by reference to the auditor’s …