529 definitions found.
GS 010
Where a remuneration report is included in the directors’ report and the auditor is required to report in accordance with section 308(3C) of the Act, the auditor may receive a question in relation to their report. In response, the auditor explains its …
GS 010
The Act also requires the auditor to report certain matters if they come to the auditor’s attention during the course of the audit of the financial report. Alternatively, the auditor may be asked to perform and report on additional specified procedures, …
GS 010
If the auditor has issued an auditor’s report with a modified opinion, the auditor may expect to be asked questions about issues leading to that modification. The auditor may address any such questions by reference to the basis for opinion section in the …
GS 010
In certain circumstances the auditor may seek legal advice or professional consultation in preparing responses to issues raised in respect of a modified auditor’s opinion. If further information regarding such issues is required, it may be more …
GS 010
While responses given by the auditor will be supported by sufficient appropriate audit evidence, there is no obligation to take audit files into the AGM. The level of detail relating to specific issues, as contained in audit files, is not appropriate in …
GS 010
In accordance with section 250RA of the Act when the auditor is not able to attend an AGM and questions for the auditor have been notified, the auditor arranges for a representative to attend the meeting on the auditor’s behalf. In this situation, the …
GS 010
A question may arise at the AGM in relation to the audit to which the auditor is not able to provide an immediate response. For example, the auditor may wish to seek legal advice prior to providing the response. In these circumstances, the auditor, in …
GS 010
There is no equivalent International Standard on Auditing or International Auditing Practice Statement to this Guidance Statement. …