31386 paragraphs found
Examples of factors referred to in paragraph 39(c)-39(k) include: Omission of one or more water assets, water liabilities or changes in water assets and water liabilities water flows is more likely for water sources that are less obvious and may be …
Examples of other factors that may lead to risks of material misstatement include: Human error in the quantification of water assets, water liabilities and changes in water assets and water liabilities, which may be more likely to occur if personnel are …
Limited and Reasonable Assurance Engagements (Ref: Para. 8-10, 15(c)(i), 40-46R, 47L-48R, 54, A2) …
Because the level of assurance obtained in a limited assurance engagement is lower than in a reasonable assurance engagement, the procedures the assurance practitioner performs in a limited assurance engagement vary in nature and timing from, and are less …
This may not always be the case; for example, in some circumstances the assurance practitioner may develop a precise expectation based on fixed physical relationships even in a limited assurance …
Overall Responses to Assessed Risks of Material Misstatement (Ref : Para. 40) …
Overall responses to address the assessed risks of material misstatement at the general purpose water accounting report level may include: Emphasising to the assurance personnel the need to maintain professional scepticism. Assigning more experienced …
Such considerations, therefore, have a significant bearing on the assurance practitioner's general approach, for example, the relative emphasis on tests of controls versus other procedures (see also paragraphs A62-A64 and …