31386 paragraphs found
A broad range of circumstances may threaten objectivity, for example, self‑interest threats, advocacy threats, familiarity threats, self‑review threats and intimidation threats. Safeguards may reduce such threats, and may be created either by external …
Although safeguards cannot eliminate all threats to a management’s expert’s objectivity, threats such as intimidation threats may be of less significance to an expert engaged by the entity than to an expert employed by the entity, and the effectiveness of …
When evaluating the objectivity of an expert engaged by the entity, it may be relevant to discuss with management and that expert any interests and relationships that may create threats to the expert’s objectivity, and any applicable safeguards, including …
Obtaining an Understanding of the Work of the Management’s Expert (Ref: Para. 8(b)) …
An understanding of the work of the management’s expert includes an understanding of the relevant field of expertise. An understanding of the relevant field of expertise may be obtained in conjunction with the auditor’s determination of whether the …
Aspects of the management’s expert’s field relevant to the auditor’s understanding may include: Whether that expert’s field has areas of specialty within it that are relevant to the audit. Whether any professional or other standards, and regulatory or …
In the case of a management’s expert engaged by the entity, there will ordinarily be an engagement letter or other written form of agreement between the entity and that expert. Evaluating that agreement when obtaining an understanding of the work of the …
In the case of a management’s expert employed by the entity, it is less likely there will be a written agreement of this kind. Enquiry of the expert and other members of management may be the most appropriate way for the auditor to obtain the necessary …
Evaluating the Appropriateness of the Management’s Expert’s Work (Ref: Para. 8(c)) …
Considerations when evaluating the appropriateness of the management’s expert’s work as audit evidence for the relevant assertion may include: The relevance and reasonableness of that expert’s findings or conclusions, their consistency with other audit …