31386 paragraphs found
Sufficiency and Appropriateness of Audit Evidence (Ref: Para. 44‑45) …
If the group engagement team concludes that sufficient appropriate audit evidence on which to base the group audit opinion has not been obtained, the group engagement team may request the component auditor to perform additional procedures. If this is not …
The group engagement partner’s evaluation of the aggregate effect of any misstatements (either identified by the group engagement team or communicated by component auditors) allows the group engagement partner to determine whether the group financial …
ASA 240 contains requirements and guidance on communication of fraud to management and, where management may be involved in the fraud, to those charged with governance. …
Group management may need to keep certain material sensitive information confidential. Examples of matters that may be significant to the financial report of the component of which component management may be unaware include the following: Potential …
Communication with Those Charged with Governance of the Group (Ref: Para. 49) …
The matters the group engagement team communicates to those charged with governance of the group may include those brought to the attention of the group engagement team by component auditors that the group engagement team judges to be significant to the …