31386 paragraphs found
Criteria ―The benchmark, framework or legislation used to evaluate whether the compliance requirements have been met. The “applicable criteria” are the criteria used for the particular engagement. ( Ref: Para. 23 , A13 , Appendix 1 …
Direct engagement on compliance ―A reasonable or limited assurance engagement in which the assurance practitioner evaluates whether the compliance requirements have been met. The compliance outcome of the assurance practitioner’s evaluation (the subject …
Engaging party ―The party(ies) that engages the assurance practitioner to perform the assurance engagement. …
Entity ―The legal entity, economic entity, or the identifiable portion of a legal or economic entity, or combination of legal or other entities or portions of those entities (for example, a joint venture) to which the compliance requirements …
Evaluator ―The party(ies) who evaluates the underlying subject matter (compliance activities) against the criteria. The evaluator possesses expertise in the underlying subject …
Firm ―A sole assurance practitioner, partnership or corporation or other entity of individual assurance practitioners. “Firm” should be read as referring to its public sector equivalents where …
(Ref: Para. A11 ) The following are factors that the auditor may consider when determining the sample size for tests of details. These factors, which need to be considered together, assume the auditor does not modify the approach to tests of controls or …
(Ref: Para. A13 ) There are many methods of selecting samples. The principal methods are as follows: Random selection (applied through random number generators, for example, random number tables). Systematic selection, in which the number of sampling …
Download Illustrations of Independent Auditor’s Reports on a Special Purpose Financial Report …
(Ref: Para. 4, A4) This appendix identifies paragraphs in other Australian Auditing Standards that require the auditor to include an Emphasis of Matter paragraph in the auditor’s report in certain circumstances. The list is not a substitute for …