31386 paragraphs found
Other analytical procedures may involve comparisons of information about the water report entity's water assets and water liabilities with external data such as industry averages; or the analysis of trends during the period to identify anomalies for …
Analytical procedures may be particularly effective when disaggregated data is readily available, or when the assurance practitioner has reason to consider the data to be used is reliable, such as when it is extracted from a well-controlled …
In some cases, it may be appropriate for the assurance practitioner to evaluate how the responsible party has considered alternative assumptions or outcomes, and why it has rejected …
In some limited assurance engagements, it may be appropriate for the assurance practitioner to undertake one or more of the procedures identified in paragraph …
AWAS I requires information to be disclosed in the notes in the general purpose water accounting report that assists users of the report to understand the future prospects of the water report …
Disclosures about the future prospects of the water report entity include estimates of expected inflows, under various climatic conditions, and expected settlements of water liabilities and future water commitments. Estimation involves judgement based on …
This Auditing Standard is operative for financial reporting periods commencing on or after 1 January 2010 . [Note: For operative dates of paragraphs changed or added by an Amending Standard, see Compilation …
The assurance practitioner's procedures in relation to estimates are described at paragraphs 49L-50R. …