31386 paragraphs found
The assurance practitioner may decide to discuss elements of planning with the responsible party when determining the scope of the engagement or to facilitate the conduct of the engagement (for example, to coordinate some of the planned procedures with …
The performance of an assurance engagement is an iterative process. As the assurance practitioner performs planned procedures, the evidence obtained may cause the assurance practitioner to modify the nature, timing or extent of other planned procedures. …
Planning to Use an Assurance Practitioner's Expert or Another Assurance Practitioner (Ref: Para. 24(e}) …
The engagement may be performed by a multi-disciplinary team that includes one or more experts, particularly on relatively complex engagements when specialist competence in the quantification and reporting of water assets, water liabilities and changes in …
The work of another assurance practitioner may be used in relation to, for example, a location other than where the general purpose water accounting report is prepared. Relevant considerations when the engagement team plans to request another assurance …
Determining Materiality When Planning the Engagement (Ref: Para. 25-26) …
The criteria, such as those outlined in AWAS 1, may discuss the concept of materiality in the context of the preparation and presentation of the general purpose water accounting report. Although criteria may discuss materiality in different terms, the …
The discussion in AWAS 1, together with the characteristics described in paragraph A32, provide a frame of reference to the assurance practitioner in determining materiality for the …
Materiality relates to the water assets and water liabilities covered by the assurance practitioner's conclusion. Therefore, materiality is set in relation to the water accounting statements, note disclosures and the accountability statement and not the …
The assurance practitioner's determination of materiality is a matter of professional judgement, and is affected by the assurance practitioner's perception of the common information needs of intended users as a …