31386 paragraphs found
Obtaining an understanding and identifying and assessing risks of material misstatement is an iterative process. Procedures to obtain an understanding of the water report entity and its circumstances and to identify and assess risks of material …
Obtaining an Understanding of the Water Report Entity and Its Circumstances Water Management Objectives and Strategies (Ref: Para. …
Consideration of the water management strategy, if any, and associated economic, regulatory, physical and reputational risks, may assist the assurance practitioner to identify risks of material …
Use of a Management's Expert by the Responsible Party (Ref: Para. 28(e)) …
When the responsible party uses a management's expert because expertise in a field other than water accounting is needed to prepare the general purpose water accounting report, the risks of material misstatement may increase because this may indicate …
Significant events that impact the information inc1uded in the general purpose water accounting report may include unexpected events such as damage to critical infrastructure or unseasonal flooding, or planned events, for example, as part of a maintenance …
As noted in paragraph A63, as water accounting and reporting evolves, it can be expected that so too will the level of sophistication, documentation and formality of related water information systems. In immature water information systems, the aggregation …