31386 paragraphs found
L. Limited Assurance R. Reasonable Assurance The assurance practitioner shall identify and assess risks of material misstatement: At the general purpose water accounting report level; and (Ref: Para. A71-A72 ) For material types of water assets, water …
When performing the procedures required by paragraphs 38L or 38R , the assurance practitioner shall consider at least the following factors: (Ref: Para. A76-A81 ) The likelihood of intentional misstatement in the general purpose water accounting report; …
See AWAS 1, paragraphs 114 and 127, which discuss unaccounted-for differences and paragraph 133, which requires disclosure of any additional information not explicitly required by AWAS 1 that is relevant to an understanding of the water assets and water …
The assurance practitioner shall design and implement overall responses to address the assessed risks of material misstatement at the general purpose water accounting report level. (Ref: Para. A82-A85 …
The assurance practitioner shall design and perform further procedures whose nature, timing and extent are responsive to the assessed risks of material misstatement, having regard to the level of assurance, reasonable or limited, as appropriate. (Ref: …
L. Limited Assurance R. Reasonable Assurance In designing and performing the further procedures in accordance with paragraph 41, the assurance practitioner shall: (Ref: Para. A82 , A86 ) Consider the reasons for the assessment given to the risks of …
L. Limited Assurance R. Reasonable Assurance Tests of Controls The assurance practitioner shall design and perform tests of controls to obtain sufficient appropriate evidence as to the operating effectiveness of relevant controls if: The assurance …
L. Limited Assurance R. Reasonable Assurance If deviations from controls upon which the assurance practitioner intends to rely are detected, the assurance practitioner shall make specific enquiries to understand these matters and their potential …