31386 paragraphs found
The purpose of this Guidance Statement is to assist auditors in exercising professional judgement in applying the AUASB Standards to a selection of practical application issues that may arise in either a SSGA or a MSE. …
the government has communicated its policy to privatise the activities of the public sector entity. …
Considerations specific to the public sector that may impact the public sector auditor’s assessment of the going concern assumption may include, for …
How the entity is funded and the extent to which the entity is reliant on government funding (economically dependent on government versus self-funded and operating on a commercial …
Nature of goods and services provided by the entity (for example, the government is unlikely to not continue to provide health care, provide utilities or continue to register …
Uncertainties regarding on-going government funding, for example, an expiring funding agreement or omission from the budget. …
The risk assessment procedures shall include the following: (Ref: Para. A19–A21) Enquiries of management and of other appropriate individuals within the entity, including individuals within the internal audit function (if the function exists). …
Budget announcements of plans to restructure/abolish/privatise public sector entities. …