31386 paragraphs found
ASA 570, paragraphs 4 and 6, clarifies that whenever the going concern basis of accounting is a fundamental principle in the preparation of a financial report as discussed in paragraph 2 of the Standard, the preparation of the financial report requires …
In the public sector, management may not always prepare a detailed or explicit going concern assessment, based on the assumption that a government will continue to support the entity regardless of its financial circumstances. Management may also provide …
ASA 570, paragraph 12, includes a requirement for the public sector auditor to evaluate management’s assessment of the public sector entity’s ability to continue as a going concern. As explained in paragraphs A8-A9 of the …
this assessment by management forms a key part of the auditor’s consideration of management’s use of the going concern basis of accounting; …
it is not the auditor’s responsibility to rectify the lack of analysis by management. …
The degree of analysis by management in support of its assessment depends on the facts and circumstances of each entity. Given the legislative status of, and financial reporting frameworks applicable to, most entities in the public sector, it is likely …
ASA 570, Paragraph A9, provides for circumstances where management may reach a conclusion that the going concern basis of accounting is appropriate without performing a detailed analysis, for example, when there is a history of profitable operations and a …
In circumstances where there has been an announcement or decision made regarding a MOG change, or a change in legislation or funding arrangements, the public sector auditor performs additional audit procedures in accordance with ASA 570, paragraph 16, to …
In these circumstances, sufficient appropriate audit evidence in support of management’s judgements about going concern can usually be obtained by the public sector auditor and may include gazettal notices, parliamentary transcripts, correspondence with …
When the public sector auditor becomes aware of information that indicates that a government or parliament has made, or intends to make, a decision which will likely impact the continued operational existence of a public sector entity, the auditor …