31386 paragraphs found
Where the Engagement Leader assigned responsibility for the audit engagement and its performance in practice is not also signing the audit opinion, the Engagement Leader performs the assigned Engagement Partner responsibilities for and on behalf of the …
Whether or not to formally record the terms of the engagement in an engagement letter or other suitable form of written agreement depends on whether law or regulation prescribes in sufficient detail the matters described in ASA 210, paragraph …
If law or regulation prescribes in sufficient detail the matters described in paragraph 10 of the Standard, paragraph 11 of the Standard permits the auditor to include in the engagement letter only reference to the fact that such law or regulation applies …
In circumstances where paragraph 11 of the Standard applies, the public sector auditor is therefore not required to issue a full engagement letter [16] or to obtain management’s formal agreement to the terms of the engagement. [17] However, the public …
For paragraph 11 to apply, ASA 210 requires the relevant law or regulation includes all the elements outlined in paragraph 10 of the Standard and prescribe in sufficient detail the terms of the audit engagement. The law or regulation describing the …
Where law or regulation does not include all the elements outlined in paragraph 10 of the Standard or is not sufficiently detailed, paragraph 11 of the Standard does not apply and the public sector auditor will be required to include the relevant detail …
In circumstances where paragraph 11 of the Standard applies (see paragraphs 50-52 above), the public sector auditor may nonetheless consider that there may be benefit in communicating the matters described in paragraph 10 of the Standard in an engagement …
That is, an engagement letter that includes all the elements outlined in paragraph 10 of the Standard. …
If the circumstances described in ASA 210, paragraph 11 , applies to the engagement, there is no requirement for the auditor to document the reasons why an engagement letter that includes all the elements outlined in paragraph 10 of the Standard has not …
For example, such communication may assist to avoid misunderstanding about the respective responsibilities of management and the public sector …