31386 paragraphs found
In some circumstances, the firm may obtain information from the network about deficiencies identified in a network firm’s system of quality management that affects the firm. The network may also gather information from network firms regarding the results …
In circumstances when the network does not provide the information about the overall results of the network’s monitoring activities across the network firms, the firm may take further actions, such as: Discussing the matter with the network; and …
Deficiencies in Network Requirements or Network Services Identified by the Firm (Ref: Para. 52) …
As network requirements or network services used by the firm form part of the firm’s system of quality management, they are also subject to the requirements of this ASQM regarding monitoring and remediation. The network requirements or network services …
In designing and implementing the remedial actions to address the effect of the identified deficiency in the network requirements or network services, the firm may: Understand the planned remedial actions by the network, including whether the firm has any …
The individual(s) assigned ultimate responsibility and accountability for the system of quality management may be assisted by other individuals in performing the evaluation. Nevertheless, the individual(s) assigned ultimate responsibility and …
The point in time at which the evaluation is undertaken may depend on the circumstances of the firm, and may coincide with the fiscal year end of the firm or the completion of an annual monitoring …
The information that provides the basis for the evaluation of the system of quality management includes the information communicated to the individual(s) assigned ultimate responsibility and accountability for the system of quality management in …