31386 paragraphs found
Listed entities are not common in the public sector. However, public sector entities may be significant due to size, complexity or public interest aspects. In such cases, an auditor of a public sector entity may be required by law or regulation or may …
ASA 200 explains the premise, relating to the responsibilities of management and, where appropriate, those charged with governance, on which an audit in accordance with Australian Auditing Standards is conducted. [34] Management and, where appropriate, …
There may be circumstances when it is appropriate for the auditor to add to the descriptions of the responsibilities of management and those charged with governance in paragraphs 34–35 to reflect additional responsibilities that are relevant to the …
ASA 210 requires the auditor to agree management’s responsibilities in an engagement letter or other suitable form of written agreement. [35] ASA 210 provides some flexibility in doing so, by explaining that, if law or regulation prescribes the …
Where the auditor has not obtained sufficient appropriate audit evidence as to a material financial report assertion regarding litigation and claims, under ASA 330 , the auditor needs to consider whether alternative audit procedures can provide further …
In some jurisdictions, law or regulation prescribing management’s responsibilities may specifically refer to a responsibility for the adequacy of accounting books and records, or accounting system. As books, records and systems are an integral part of …
The Appendix to this Auditing Standard provides illustrations of how the requirement in paragraph 34(b) would be applied when the Australian Accounting Standards are the applicable financial reporting framework. If an applicable financial reporting …
When some, but not all, of the individuals involved in the oversight of the financial reporting process are also involved in preparing the financial report, the description as required by paragraph 35 may need to be modified to appropriately reflect the …