31386 paragraphs found
Inspecting inventory when attending physical inventory counting assists the auditor in ascertaining the existence of the inventory (though not necessarily its ownership), and in identifying, for example, obsolete, damaged or ageing inventory. …
Performing test counts, for example by tracing items selected from management’s count records to the physical inventory and tracing items selected from the physical inventory to management’s count records, provides audit evidence about the completeness …
In addition to recording the auditor’s test counts, obtaining copies of management’s completed physical inventory count records assists the auditor in performing subsequent audit procedures to determine whether the entity’s final inventory records …
Physical Inventory Counting Conducted Other than At the Date of the Financial Report (Ref: Para. 5 ) …
For practical reasons, the physical inventory counting may be conducted at a date, or dates, other than the date of the financial report. This may be done irrespective of whether management determines inventory quantities by an annual physical inventory …
Where a perpetual inventory system is maintained, management may perform physical counts or other tests to ascertain the reliability of inventory quantity information included in the entity’s perpetual inventory records. In some cases, management or the …
Relevant matters for consideration when designing audit procedures to obtain audit evidence about whether changes in inventory amounts between the count date, or dates, and the final inventory records are properly recorded include: Whether the perpetual …
Attendance at Physical Inventory Counting Is Impracticable (Ref: Para. 7 ) …
In some cases, attendance at physical inventory counting may be impracticable. This may be due to factors such as the nature and location of the inventory, for example, where inventory is held in a location that may pose threats to the safety of the …