31386 paragraphs found
Auditor’s responsibilities relating to ASA 701 (Ref: Para. 40(c) ) …
The auditor may also consider it useful to provide additional information in the description of the auditor’s responsibilities beyond what is required by paragraph 40(c) . For example, the auditor may make reference to the requirement in paragraph 9 of …
Location of the description of the auditor’s responsibilities for the audit of the financial report (Ref: Para. 41 , 50(k) ) …
Including the information required by paragraphs 39–40 in an appendix to the auditor’s report or, when law, regulation or Australian Auditing Standards expressly permit, referring to a website of an appropriate authority containing such information may …
Paragraph 41 permits the auditor to include the statements required by paragraphs 39-40 describing the auditor’s responsibilities for the audit of the financial report in an appendix to the auditor’s report, provided that appropriate reference is made …
Paragraph 41 explains that the auditor may refer to a description of the auditor’s responsibilities located on a website of an appropriate authority, only if expressly permitted by law, regulation or Australian Auditing Standards. The information on the …
An appropriate authority could be the Auditing and Assurance Standards Board, a regulator, or an audit oversight body. Such organisations are well-placed to ensure the accuracy, completeness and continued availability of the standardised information. It …
An understanding of the entity’s organisational structure and ownership may enable the auditor to understand such matters as: The complexity of the entity’s structure. Example: The entity may be a single entity or the entity’s structure may include …
When the auditor refers to a description of the auditor’s responsibilities on a website, the appropriate authority is The Auditing and Assurance Standards Board and the website address is http : //www . auasb . gov . au/Home . aspx …