31386 paragraphs found
The auditor’s evaluation of the auditor’s expert’s competence, capabilities and objectivity, the auditor’s familiarity with the auditor’s expert’s field of expertise, and the nature of the work performed by the auditor’s expert affect the nature, timing …
The Findings and Conclusions of the Auditor’s Expert (Ref: Para. 12(a) ) …
Specific procedures to evaluate the adequacy of the auditor’s expert’s work for the auditor’s purposes may include: Enquiries of the auditor’s expert. Reviewing the auditor’s expert’s working papers and reports. Corroborative procedures, such as: …
Relevant factors when evaluating the relevance and reasonableness of the findings or conclusions of the auditor’s expert, whether in a report or other form, may include whether they are: Presented in a manner that is consistent with any standards of the …
Enquiries of Management and Others within the Entity (Ref: Para. 14(a) ) Why Enquiries Are Made of Management and Others Within the …
Assumptions, Methods and Source Data Assumptions and Methods (Ref: Para. 12(b) ) …
When the auditor’s expert’s work is to evaluate underlying assumptions and methods, including models where applicable, used by management in developing an accounting estimate, the auditor’s procedures are likely to be primarily directed to evaluating …
ASA 540 [13] discusses the assumptions and methods used by management in making accounting estimates, including the use in some cases of highly specialised, entity-developed models. Although that discussion is written in the context of the auditor …
When an auditor’s expert’s work involves the use of significant assumptions and methods, factors relevant to the auditor’s evaluation of those assumptions and methods include whether they are: Generally accepted within the auditor’s expert’s field; …