31386 paragraphs found
When the service organisation maintains material elements of the accounting records of the user entity, direct access to those records may be necessary in order for the user auditor to obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence relating to the …
In determining the nature and extent of audit evidence to be obtained in relation to balances representing assets held or transactions undertaken by a service organisation on behalf of the user entity, the following procedures may be considered by the …
Another auditor may perform procedures that are substantive in nature for the benefit of user auditors. Such an engagement may involve the performance, by another auditor, of procedures agreed upon by the user entity and its user auditor and by the …
In certain circumstances, in particular when a user entity outsources some or all of its finance function to a service organisation, the user auditor may face a situation where a significant portion of the audit evidence resides at the service …
The user auditor is required by ASA 330 [10] to design and perform tests of controls to obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence as to the operating effectiveness of relevant controls in certain circumstances. In the context of a service …
If a type 2 report is not available, a user auditor may contact the service organisation, through the user entity, to request that a service auditor be engaged to provide a type 2 report that includes tests of the operating effectiveness of the relevant …
Using a Type 2 Report as Audit Evidence that Controls at the Service Organisation Are Operating Effectively (Ref: Para. 17 ) …
For certain assertions, the shorter the period covered by a specific test and the longer the time elapsed since the performance of the test, the less audit evidence the test may provide. In comparing the period covered by the type 2 report to the user …