31386 paragraphs found
In most entities, governance is the collective responsibility of a governing body, such as a board of directors, a supervisory board, partners, proprietors, a committee of management, a council of governors, trustees, or equivalent persons. In some …
Such diversity means that it is not possible for this Auditing Standard to specify for all audits the person(s) with whom the auditor is to communicate particular matters. Also, in some cases, the appropriate person(s) with whom to communicate may not be …
ASA 600 includes specific matters to be communicated by group auditors with those charged with governance. [5] When the entity is a component of a group, the appropriate person(s) with whom the component auditor communicates depends on the engagement …
Communication with a Subgroup of Those Charged with Governance (Ref: Para. 12 ) …
When considering communicating with a subgroup of those charged with governance, the auditor may take into account such matters as: The respective responsibilities of the subgroup and the governing body. The nature of the matter to be communicated. …
When deciding whether there is also a need to communicate information, in full or in summary form, with the governing body, the auditor may be influenced by the auditor’s assessment of how effectively and appropriately the subgroup communicates relevant …
Audit committees (or similar subgroups with different names) exist in many jurisdictions. Although their specific authority and functions may differ, communication with the audit committee, where one exists, has become a key element in the auditor’s …
When All of Those Charged with Governance Are Involved in Managing the Entity (Ref: Para. 13 ) …
The Auditor’s Responsibilities in Relation to the Financial Report Audit (Ref: Para. 14 ) …
The auditor’s responsibilities in relation to the financial report audit are often included in the engagement letter or other suitable form of written agreement that records the agreed terms of the engagement. [6] Law, regulation or the governance …