31386 paragraphs found
Obtaining an Understanding of the Legal and Regulatory Framework (Ref: Para. 13 ) …
To obtain a general understanding of the legal and regulatory framework, and how the entity complies with that framework, the auditor may, for example: Use the auditor’s existing understanding of the entity’s industry, regulatory and other external …
Laws and Regulations Generally Recognised to Have a Direct Effect on the Determination of Material Amounts and Disclosures in the Financial Report (Ref: Para. 6 , 14 …
Certain laws and regulations are well‑established, known to the entity and within the entity’s industry or sector, and relevant to the entity’s financial report (as described in paragraph 6(a) ). They could include those that relate to, for example: The …
Procedures to Identify Instances of Non‑Compliance—Other Laws and Regulations (Ref: Para. 6 , 15 ) …
Certain other laws and regulations may need particular attention by the auditor because they have a fundamental effect on the operations of the entity (as described in paragraph 6(b) ). Non‑compliance with laws and regulations that have a fundamental …
As the financial reporting consequences of other laws and regulations can vary depending on the entity’s operations, the audit procedures required by paragraph 15 are directed to bringing to the auditor’s attention instances of non‑compliance with laws …
Non‑Compliance Brought to the Auditor’s Attention by Other Audit Procedures (Ref: Para. 16 ) …
Audit procedures applied to form an opinion on the financial report may bring instances of non‑compliance or suspected non‑compliance with laws and regulations to the auditor’s attention. For example, such audit procedures may include: Reading minutes; …