31386 paragraphs found
For identified risks of material misstatement at the assertion level, the auditor shall assess inherent risk by assessing the likelihood and magnitude of misstatement. In doing so, the auditor shall take into account how, and the degree to which: Inherent …
The auditor shall determine whether any of the assessed risks of material misstatement are significant risks. (Ref: Para. A218–A221) …
The auditor shall determine whether substantive procedures alone cannot provide sufficient appropriate audit evidence for any of the risks of material misstatement at the assertion level. …
If the auditor plans to test the operating effectiveness of controls, the auditor shall assess control risk. If the auditor does not plan to test the operating effectiveness of controls, the auditor’s assessment of control risk shall be such that the …
Evaluating the Audit Evidence Obtained from the Risk Assessment Procedures …
The auditor shall evaluate whether the audit evidence obtained from the risk assessment procedures provides an appropriate basis for the identification and assessment of the risks of material misstatement. If not, the auditor shall perform additional risk …
Classes of Transactions, Account Balances and Disclosures that Are Not Significant, but Which Are Material …
For material classes of transactions, account balances or disclosures that have not been determined to be significant classes of transactions, account balances or disclosures, the auditor shall evaluate whether the auditor’s determination remains …