31386 paragraphs found
Risks to the integrity of information arise from susceptibility to ineffective implementation of the entity’s information policies, which are policies that define the information flows, records and reporting processes in the entity’s information system. …
Inherent Risk Factors (Ref: Para. 12(f)) Appendix 2 sets out further considerations relating to understanding inherent risk factors. …
Inherent risk factors may be qualitative or quantitative and affect the susceptibility of assertions to misstatement. Qualitative inherent risk factors relating to the preparation of information required by the applicable financial reporting framework …
Other inherent risk factors, that affect susceptibility to misstatement of an assertion about a class of transactions, account balance or disclosure may include: The quantitative or qualitative significance of the class of transactions, account balance or …
A risk of material misstatement may relate to more than one assertion, in which case all the assertions to which such a risk relates are relevant assertions. If an assertion does not have an identified risk of material misstatement, then it is not a …
Significance can be described as the relative importance of a matter, and is judged by the auditor in the context in which the matter is being considered. For inherent risk, significance may be considered in the context of how, and the degree to which, …