31386 paragraphs found
the less common operational or business risk (for example, where an entity has insufficient working capital to continue its operations at its existing level and is unable to raise additional …
ASA 570, paragraph 10, includes a requirement for the public sector auditor, as part of performing ASA 315 risk assessment procedures, to consider whether events or conditions exist that may cast significant doubt on the public sector entity’s ability to …
In the public sector, the risk associated with changes in policy direction may be greater than any operational or business-related risks. ASA 570 risk indicators may be more relevant to self-funded corporate and non-corporate entities in the public sector …
To minimize the risk of changes in government policies not coming to the public sector auditor’s attention which could impact on the going concern assumption, the auditor may ascertain through inquiry and review …
the government has announced its intention to review an area of policy affecting the public sector entity; …
a review has been announced and is in progress; …
a review has indicated that the public sector entity could be restructured or that an entity’s future may be re-examined; or …
The Audit Office may develop policies or procedures to address the form or specific wording of the overall conclusion to be provided by the Audit Service Provider. In some cases, the Audit Service Provider may be required to provide draft deliverables, …
If differences of opinion arise between the Audit Service Provider and the Signing Officer or individuals performing activities within the Audit Office’s system of quality management, the parties shall follow the Audit Office’s policies or procedures for …
In circumstances where the legislative audit mandate allows for the Engagement Partner role to be fully contracted-out to a private sector auditor or firm, the appointed auditor or individual assigned responsibility for the engagement by an appointed …