31386 paragraphs found
an employee of the Audit Office; or …
an Audit Service Provider (contracted private sector auditor or individual assigned responsibility for the engagement by a contracted …
The concept of ‘Engagement Partner’ in the Public Sector, is further explained in paragraphs 138-147 of this GS. …
Engagement Quality Review (EQR) – Defined in ASQM 1/ASQM 2/ASA 220 as “an objective evaluation of the significant judgements made by the engagement team and the conclusions reached thereon, performed by the engagement quality reviewer and completed on or …
Engagement team – Defined in ASQM 1/ASA 220 as “all partners and staff [or, in the context of the public sector, the Engagement Leader and/or Signing Officer and Audit Office staff] performing the audit engagement, and any other individuals who perform …
Firm – Defined in ASQM 1/ASA 220 as “a sole practitioner, partnership or corporation or other entity of assurance practitioners, or public sector equivalent.” For the public sector equivalent of ‘firm’, see ‘Audit Office’ as defined in 137(a) …
Signing Officer – In the context of this GS, the term ‘Signing Officer’ is used to refer to the Auditor-General (the appointed statutory auditor) or individual authorised to sign and issue the auditor’s report on behalf of the Auditor-General. The Signing …
This section of the GS provides supplementary application and other explanatory material in relation to selected issues identified as presenting challenges in applying Auditing Standard ASA 210 Agreeing the Terms of Audit Engagements in the public sector. …
ASA 210 deals with the auditor’s responsibilities in agreeing the terms of the audit engagement with management and, where appropriate, those charged with governance. This includes: establishing that certain preconditions for an audit are present before …
The preconditions for an audit are defined in ASA 210, paragraph 4 , to mean the use by management [14] of an acceptable financial reporting framework in the preparation of the financial report and the agreement of management to the premise [15] on which …