31386 paragraphs found
When the firm belongs to a network, the firm shall understand, when applicable: ( Ref: Para. A19 , A175 ) The requirements established by the network regarding the firm’s system of quality management, including requirements for the firm to implement or …
Based on the understanding obtained in paragraph 48 , the firm shall: Determine how the network requirements or network services are relevant to, and are taken into account in, the firm’s system of quality management, including how they are to be …
Monitoring Activities Undertaken by the Network on the Firm’s System of Quality Management …
In circumstances when the network performs monitoring activities relating to the firm’s system of quality management, the firm shall: Determine the effect of the monitoring activities performed by the network on the nature, timing and extent of the firm’s …
Monitoring Activities Undertaken by the Network Across the Network Firms …
The firm shall: Understand the overall scope of the monitoring activities undertaken by the network across the network firms, including monitoring activities to determine that network requirements have been appropriately implemented across the network …
Deficiencies in Network Requirements or Network Services Identified by the Firm …
If the firm identifies a deficiency in the network requirements or network services, the firm shall: (Ref: Para. A185) Communicate to the network relevant information about the identified deficiency; and In accordance with paragraph 42 , design and …
The individual(s) assigned ultimate responsibility and accountability for the system of quality management shall evaluate, on behalf of the firm, the system of quality management. The evaluation shall be undertaken as of a point in time, and performed at …
Based on the evaluation, the individual(s) assigned ultimate responsibility and accountability for the system of quality management shall conclude, on behalf of the firm, one of the following: ( Ref: Para. A190 , A195 ) The system of quality management …