31386 paragraphs found
The APESB Code [7] contains requirements and application material for members that enable members to meet their responsibility to act in the public interest. As indicated in paragraph 15 , in the context of engagement performance as described in this …
See The Accounting Professional & Ethical Standards Board’s APES 110 Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants (including Independence Standards) (APESB …
The firm may use different terminology or frameworks to describe the components of its system of quality management. …
Examples of the interconnected nature of the components include the following: The firm’s risk assessment process sets out the process the firm is required to follow in implementing a risk-based approach across the system of quality management. The …
Reasonable assurance is obtained when the system of quality management reduces to an acceptably low level the risk that the objectives stated in paragraph 14(a) and (b) are not achieved. Reasonable assurance is not an absolute level of assurance, because …
The objective of this ASQM provides the context in which the requirements of this ASQM are set, establishes the desired outcome of this ASQM and is intended to assist the firm in understanding what needs to be accomplished and, where necessary, the …
Where necessary, the application and other explanatory material provides further explanation of the requirements and guidance for carrying them out. In particular, it may: Explain more precisely what a requirement means or is intended to cover; and …