31386 paragraphs found
The firm’s strategic decision-making process, including the establishment of a business strategy, may include matters such as the firm’s decisions about financial and operational matters, the firm’s financial goals, how financial resources are managed, …
The responses designed and implemented by the firm to hold leadership responsible and accountable for quality include the performance evaluations required by paragraph 56 …
Although leadership establishes the tone at the top through their actions and behaviours, clear, consistent and frequent actions and communications at all levels within the firm collectively contribute to the firm’s culture and demonstrates a commitment …
The organisational structure of the firm may include operating units, operational processes, divisions or geographical locations and other structures. In some instances, the firm may concentrate or centralise processes or activities in a service delivery …
The individual(s) assigned ultimate responsibility and accountability or operational responsibility for the system of quality management is in most cases able to influence the nature and extent of resources that the firm obtains, develops, uses and …
As resource needs may change over time it may not be practicable to anticipate all resource needs. The firm’s resource planning may involve determining the resources currently required, forecasting the firm’s future resource needs, and establishing …