31386 paragraphs found
In accordance with paragraph 6(a), the auditor is required to determine whether the financial reporting framework, to be applied in the preparation of the financial report, is acceptable. In some jurisdictions, law or regulation may prescribe the …
Jurisdictions that do not have standards setting organisations or prescribed financial reporting frameworks …
When an entity is registered or operating in a jurisdiction that does not have an authorised or recognised standards setting organisation, or where use of the financial reporting framework is not prescribed by law or regulation, management identifies a …
Agreement of the Responsibilities of Management (Ref: Para. 6(b)) …
An audit in accordance with Australian Auditing Standards is conducted on the premise that management has acknowledged and understands that it has the responsibilities set out in paragraph 6(b). [11] In certain jurisdictions, such responsibilities may …
The way in which the responsibilities for financial reporting are divided between management and those charged with governance will vary according to the resources and structure of the entity and any relevant law or regulation, and the respective roles of …
ASA 580 requires the auditor to request management to provide written representations that it has fulfilled certain of its responsibilities. [12] It may therefore be appropriate to make management aware that receipt of such written representations will …
Where management will not acknowledge its responsibilities, or agree to provide the written representations, the auditor will be unable to obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence. [13] In such circumstances, it would not be appropriate for the …
Most financial reporting frameworks include requirements relating to the presentation of the financial report; for such frameworks, preparation of the financial report in accordance with the financial reporting framework includes presentation. In the …