31386 paragraphs found
In performing an audit, the auditor may be required to comply with legal or regulatory requirements in addition to the Australian Auditing Standards. The Australian Auditing Standards do not override law or regulation that governs an audit of a financial …
The auditor may also conduct the audit in accordance with both Australian Auditing Standards and auditing standards of a specific jurisdiction or country. In such cases, in addition to complying with each of the Australian Auditing Standards relevant to …
The Australian Auditing Standards are relevant to engagements in the public sector. The public sector auditor’s responsibilities, however, may be affected by the audit mandate, or by obligations on public sector entities arising from law, regulation or …
In addition to objectives and requirements (requirements are expressed in the Australian Auditing Standards using “shall”), an Auditing Standard contains related guidance in the form of application and other explanatory material. It may also contain …
Where necessary, the application and other explanatory material provides further explanation of the requirements of an Auditing Standard and guidance for carrying them out. In particular, it may: Explain more precisely what a requirement means or is …
Appendices form part of the application and other explanatory material. The purpose and intended use of an appendix are explained in the body of the related Auditing Standard or within the title and introduction of the appendix …
Introductory material may include, as needed, such matters as explanation of: The purpose and scope of the Auditing Standard, including how the Auditing Standard relates to other Auditing Standards. The subject matter of the Auditing Standard. The …
An Auditing Standard may include, in a separate section under the heading “Definitions,” a description of the meanings attributed to certain terms for purposes of the Australian Auditing Standards. These are provided to assist in the consistent …