31386 paragraphs found
When management has used a management’s expert in preparing the financial report, the auditor’s decision on whether to use an auditor’s expert may also be influenced by such factors as: The nature, scope and objectives of the management’s expert’s work. …
The nature, timing and extent of audit procedures with respect to the requirements in paragraphs 9-13 of this Auditing Standard will vary depending on the circumstances. For example, the following factors may suggest the need for different or more …
The Auditor’s Firm’s Quality Control Policies and Procedures (Ref: Para. 8(e) ) …
An auditor’s internal expert may be a partner or staff, including temporary staff, of the auditor’s firm, and therefore subject to the quality control policies and procedures of that firm in accordance with ASQC 1. [9] , [10] Alternatively, an auditor’s …
An auditor’s external expert is not a member of the engagement team and is not subject to quality control policies and procedures in accordance with ASQC 1. [11] In some jurisdictions, however, law or regulation may require that an auditor’s external …
Engagement teams are entitled to rely on the firm’s system of quality control, unless information provided by the firm or other parties suggests otherwise. [12] The extent of that reliance will vary with the circumstances, and may affect the nature, …
The competence, capabilities and objectivity of an auditor’s expert are factors that significantly affect whether the work of the auditor’s expert will be adequate for the auditor’s purposes. Competence relates to the nature and level of expertise of the …
Information regarding the competence, capabilities and objectivity of an auditor’s expert may come from a variety of sources, such as: Personal experience with previous work of that expert. Discussions with that expert. Discussions with other auditors or …